Friday, 2 December 2011


I tell you, I love music. Everyday it seems that I enjoy it and appreciate it more. I have a USB mike and recently I have been having a blast recording songs in my room. Some of them have been old classics, some written by others here at Fountainview, and some that I have written. Some of the songs that I have posted are recorded in Ryo's Studio (Fountainview's studio engineer), but some are in my room...
I was thinking about it and I thought, "What's the point of music if it is not shared with others?" So I started a page for me to post my recordings on...
There are a few songs already on there, but between now and Christmas there will be a number more added. If you want to have a look, just click that tab that says "My Music" at the top of my blog.
God Bless

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